Belivinsane Impact in ouR Trousers Lektüre des WaTaFa Testaments suRRism Overdrive Source ColibriRation Centrifugal Kultur - Nichts begriffen Do you have a new spot Fragrance? After Eleven How much e iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidiom No Breath No Money No Bass ∞ Sympathy for Senses in Milford Anxious Neveron You ape with me, Fa? With Fa.......... I ´mappel WittCathrine And like I sad Lakase The Press can me Moll No Breath No Money No Bass Saxophone Rubber LaoTze sozusagen WishenBouden says...title
Classwar Karaoke Survey 0008 Released!

curated by adrian beentjes & anthony donovan
Drawing tonight!
In the meantime, we will be at The Ossington tonight for Robert Dayton's "Feelings" DJ set and while we're there we will likely do some drawing. So come on out, say hi and sit in on the drawing if you like!
- William A. Davison
Micro Bionic - Thomas Bey William Bailey

Micro Bionic is an exciting new survey of electronic music and sound art from cultural critic and mixed-media artist Thomas Bey William Bailey. The first limited / hardcover edition sold out earlier in the year, while the paperback trade edition on the Creation Books imprint is now available as well.
As the title suggests, the unifying theme of the book is that of musicians and sound artists taking bold leaps forward in spite of (or sometimes because of) their financial, technological, and social restrictions. Some symptoms of this condition include the gigantic discography amassed by the one-man project Merzbow, the drama of silence enacted by onkyo and New Berlin Minimalism, the annihilating noise transmitted from the humble laptop computers of Russell Haswell and Peter Rehberg and much more besides. Although the journey begins in the Industrial 1980s, in order to trace how the innovations of that period have gained greater currency in the present, it surveys a wide array of artists breaking ground in the 21st century with radical attitudes and techniques. A healthy amount of global travel and concentrated listening have combined to make this a sophisticated yet accessible document, unafraid to explore both the transgressive extremes of this culture and the more deftly concealed interstices thereof.
Part historical document, part survival manual for the marginalized electronic musician, part sociological investigation, Micro Bionic is a number of different things, and as such will likely generate a variety of reactions from inspiration to offense. Numerous exclusive interviews with leading lights of the field were also conducted for this book: William Bennett (Whitehouse), Peter Christopherson (Throbbing Gristle / Coil), Peter Rehberg (Mego), John Duncan, Francisco López, Carl Michael von Hausswolff, Bob Ostertag and many others weigh in with a diversity of thoughts and opinions that underscore the incredible diversity to be found within new electronic music itself. Below are a few excerpts from the forthcoming book, as well as the original table of contents.
please visit his site: Thomas Bey William Bailey
get the book here: Micro Bionic - Thomas Bey William Bailey
about and some pflasterstrand - DadA-Periodika
Pflasterstrand |
Untertitel: Eine Zeitung der Linksradikalen in Frankfurt (Nr.1); Stadtzeitung für Frankfurt; Metropolenmagazin
Einzeltitel: Sartre (Sonderausg. 1980)
Redaktion: Daniel Cohn-Bendit (v.Red.); Matthias Horx (v.Red.)
Körperschaften: Pflasterstrand-Kollektiv, Frankfurt a.M.
Ort: Frankfurt a.M.
Land: Deutschland
Erscheinungszeitraum: Jg.1 (1976), Nr.0 (Okt.) - Jg.15 (1990), Nr.10 (Okt.)
Erscheinungsweise: vierzehntägig; monatlich
Auflage: 8500 (1980)
Typographie: Offset
Format: DIN A4
Vorgänger: Fuzzy
Nachfolger: Journal Frankfurt
Bemerkungen: Seinem Selbstverständnis zufolge war der Pflasterstrand bei der Gründung eine Zeitschrift der undogmatischen Linken in Frankfurt, d.h. hier der Spontibewegung. In der Nullnummer vom Oktober 1976 heißt es dazu: "Die Zeitung sollte also [...] eine Darstellung und Auseinandersetzung eines Spektrums werden, das von den Makrobioten bis zur Revolutionären Zelle reicht, das unsere Fluchtwünsche und individuellen Schwierigkeiten ebenso aufgreift wie politische Dimensionen, die brutale Repression der Polizei ebenso wie die Selbstrepression unter uns Linken." Demzufolge war insbesondere das erste Jahr seines Erscheinens geprägt von den Auseinandersetzungen innerhalb der linken Szene. Die wenigsten Artikel wurden von der Redaktion selbst geschrieben, sondern waren Betroffenenberichte und Selbstdarstellungen. Nachdem sich der Pflasterstrand seit seiner Gründung durchgängig und schwerpunktmäßig mit Themen zur veränderten politischen Situation (Deutscher Herbst: Schleyer-Entführung, Mogadischu) und deren Auswirkungen auf die linke Bewegung befaßte, markierte die "Sexualitätsdebatte" - begonnen mit Nr.21, Dez. 1977 - eine Verschiebung der politischen Konflikte in den privaten Bereich. Höhepunkt dieser Entwicklung bildete der "Fall Knittel". Als Nachtrag zu einer Sexualitätsnummer erschien in Nr.22 (Jan. 1978) der Artikel von Siegfried Knittel: "Vom Ende der matriarchalischen 'Emanzipations'moral", in dem der Autor mit der Frauenbewegung abrechnet und unter anderem über eigene Gewalttaten gegen Frauen berichtet. Dies brach einen wahren Sturm der Empörung los, der kaum bewältigt werden konnte, so daß in der Folge eine sachliche Berichterstattung in den Vordergrund trat und private Themen ausgespart wurden. Seit Mitte 1978 zeigten sich außerdem zunehmende Professionalisierungstendenzen, die im Umgang mit gewerblichen Anzeigen und dem Abdruck des vollständigen Fernsehprogramms ab Nr.76 (1980) deutlich wurden. Anfang der 80er Jahre erscheint der Pflasterstrand in einer neuen Aufmachung und 1982 wurden feste Redaktionen eingerichtet. Inhaltlich konzentrierte sich das Blatt seit Mitte der 80er Jahre auf die Durchsetzung einer realpolitischen Linie innerhalb der grünen/linken Szene. Nachdem sich 1987 ein Finanzier und Teilhaber gefunden hatte, wurde mit der Nr. 279 (Jan. 1988) entgültig der Abschied vom Kollektiv vollzogen. Als weitere Konsequenz in Richtung Professionalisierung wurde 1989 Bertelsmann finanziell beteiligt. Dieser von vornherein als Experiment angelegte Versuch mußte nach einem Jahr als gescheitert angesehen werden. Die Zeitschrift erschien dann noch bis zur Nr.10 (Okt. 1990) als edel aufgemachtes Metropolenmagazin auf Hochglanzpapier, konnte sich aber bundesweit nicht behaupten.
Nach dieser Nummer wurden die Zeitschriften "Pflasterstrand" und "Auftritt" zu dem Journal "Frankfurt" zusammengelegt, das eines der inzwischen üblichen Stadtmagazine ist.
Repression: Bundesweite Beschlagnahmung der Nr.45 wegen des Artikels "Hunde wollt ihr ewig bellen" von den Revolutionären Zellen.
Reprint: Hunde, wollt ihr ewig bellen... Teilrepr. aus Nr.45. - In: Schwarze Texte, S.63-66
Standort: FES Bonn: 1977 - (L=1977-1978) : SIGN.: Z 1449; LHB Darmstadt: 147/148.1982-228.1986. : SIGN.: Zb 6983; AFAS Duisburg: 2-13.15-21.1977, 22.23a.24-44.1978, 45.1979-277/278.1987, 279/280. 282. 284-287. 289. 301. 302.1988, 306-314. 325/326.1989, 1990 : SIGN.: 85.III.1; SUB Frankfurt a.M.: 1.1976-228.1986. (00=63.1979.) : SIGN.: Zsq 9113 u. Sondernr. 1980. 1982. : SIGN.: Zsq 9113; Köln Archiv: 2.1977 - 308.1989 (mit Lücken); TtE Köln: Nr.0-1, 10, 16, 28, 39, 44, 46, 49, 52, 56, 59, 76, 82, 86-87, 91, 93-98, 100, 102-103, 105, 107-108, 110-112, 114, 119-120, 134-138, 140-144, 147/148-151, 153-172, 176, 189 (z.T. beschädigt), Extra Nr.1 (zu AKW, 1977), Sondernr. J.P. Sartre u. Palästina (Sept. 1982); DBZ Stuttgart: 1977 - 1990 (L) : SIGN.: Dz 793
ZDB-Ident.: 968452
Literaturhinweise: Now, Carl Ha [d.i. Hartmut Barth-Engelbart]: C'est la vie oder was sind wir doch für Schweine geworden. Nachruf auf den Pflasterstrand. - In: Verzeichnis der Alternativmedien 1991/92, S.45-54; Gewaltfreier Anarchismus, S.33; Horn, Stephanie: Abschied vom Kollektiv. Der Frankfurter PflasterStrand. Frankfurt a.M.: Brandes u. Aspel, 1989. 114 S. (Wissen & Praxis Nr. 20); Hübsch: Alternative Öffentlichkeit, S.103; Jenrich, S.204; Projekt Gedächtnis, S.98; Scheerer: Deutschland, S.286; Schwarze Texte, S.40; Weichler: Gegendruck, S.166; 10 Jahre Archiv, S.12; 20 Jahre radikal, S.25, 185-186
Bibliographien: Deutschsprachige Bibliographie der Gegenkultur, S.94; Eberlein (1996), Nr.23695; Jenrich, Nr.247; Rösch-Sondermann, S.119
Publikationsform: Zeitschrift, Stadtzeitschrift
Libertärer Bezug: Spontibewegung; anarchistische Tendenzen
Bearbeitungsstand: 14.07.2001
(c) Projekt DadA, Libertad Verlag Berlin, Köln & Potsdam 2001
wwwART in VIVO"
Franck Ancel, Undress Béton, Luc Fierens, Fred Forest, Joël Hubaut, Jacques Lennep, Fred Michiels, Benoit Piret, Little Shiva, Gaël Toutain, Thierry Tillier.
Vernissage le samedi 28 novembre de 18h30 à minuit
et le dimanche 29 novembre de 14h à 22h.
Saturday november 28 from 6.30 pm to midnight
Sunday november 29 from 2 pm to 10 pm
Galerie "Les Contemporains"
rue de la Croix, 18 Kruisstraat
The Third discharge Chapbook of 21st Century Poetry
This chapbook was edited by C.J.Duffy
and is a utilityfishshed/discharge publication
All words are © of the authors - 2009
KILLER CHROME ebook by David Baptiste Chirot now onlin
there's a new ebook at
"Killer Chrome", by David-Baptiste Chirot
International Surrealist Declaration for the Imprisoned Serbian Anarchosyndicalists
The Serbian authorities used the slight damages caused to the building of the Greek embassy as a pretext in order to exercise their repressive powers, labeling the members of ASI as “terrorist” and detaining them with no substantial evidence of their actual involvement in this so-called crime of damaging the façade of a building. It is not the building, of course, that concerns the Serbian police; neither is it the symbolism, per se, of an attack against the embassy of another state: the real impact of international solidarity and radical politics, with a view towards social emancipation, is what makes them transgress the limits of their supposed democracy, so as to imprison militants through farcical procedures.
Ratibor Trivunac, one of the accused, is a friend of the international surrealist movement. But surrealism is not an exclusive club of personal relations, any more than it is one of mere aesthetic affinities. We consider as our brothers all these five persecuted Serbian militants (and the sixth, Ivan Savic, who was arrested some days later) because their cause, their choice to live and to struggle for another, liberated life, is one that we share. When a state lays its oppressive hand upon one of us, we must all feel the threat to our freedom, we must all take a stand with those who risk being deprived of their elementary freedoms because they are determined to fight, here and now, for real universal freedom.
We demand the immediate release of our five comrades and friends!
The passion for freedom is stronger than any of your prisons!
Athens Surrealist Group:
Grigoris Apostolides, Giannis Golfinopoulos, Manolis Daskalos, Alexandra Halkias, Diamantis Karavolas, Vangelis Koutalis, Sotiris Liontos, Helias Melios, Lefki Mossou, Makis Perdikomatis, Nikos Stabakis, Theoni Tambaki, Marianna Xanthopoulou, Giannis Xourias.
Nicosia: Kostas Reousis.
Leeds Surrealist Group:
Gareth Brown, Stephen J. Clark, Kenneth Cox, Luke Dominey, Jan Drabble, Bill Howe, Caroline Jeffs, Sarah Metcalf, Mike Peters, Peter Overton, Martin Trippett.
Surrealist London Action Group (SLAG):
Paul Cowdell, Merl Fluin, Aniano Henrique, Patrick Hourihan.
Grupo Surrealista de Madrid:
José Arias Taboada, Eugenio Castro, Manuel Crespo, Javier Gálvez, Jesús García Rodríguez, Vicente Gutiérrez Escudero, Bruno Jacobs, Lurdes Martínez, Julio Monteverde, Noé Ortega, Antonio Ramírez, José Manuel Rojo, María Santana y Ángel Zapata.
and its friends:
Sonia Ayerra, Rag Cuter, Andrés Devesa, Jesús González Gómez, Paul Hammond, Inés Mendoza, Emilio Santiago, Leticia Vera and the Anarchist Group Al Margen.
Groupe Surréaliste de Montréal:
Jean-Maurice Brouillet, Dominic Tétrault.
Le Groupe de Paris du mouvement surréaliste:
Michèle Bachelet, Alfredo Fernandes, Jean-Pierre Guillon, Michaël Löwy, Marie-Dominique Massoni, Dominique Paul, Michel Zimbacca.
La Vertèbre et le Rossignol (ville de Québec):
Enrique Lechuga, David Nadeau.
on behalf of Grupo Surrealista del Río de la Plata/Buenos Aires-Montevideo:
Juan Carlos Otaño.
on behalf of Skupina Českých a Slovenských Surrealistů:
Frantisek Dryje, Katerina Pinosova, Bertrand Schmitt, Bruno Solarik.
Surrealistgruppen i Stockholm, Johannes Bergmark.
Sürrealist Eylem Türkiye
Chicago Surrealist Group:
Penelope Rosemont, Paul Garon, Beth Garon, Gale Ahrens, David Roediger, Joseph Jablonski, Joel Williams, Jan Hathaway, Irene Plazewski, Janina Ciezadlo, Renay Kirkman, Tamara L. Smith.
Brandon Freels, M.K. Shibek.
The St. Louis Surrealist Group:
Richard Burke, Susan Burke, Andrew Torch, M. M. Morose.
Eric Bragg (
I have spent my life exploring an idea of human behavior, whilst all the while attempting not to influence anyone by discussing my findings. I will not describe what I mean in more detail. So, please do not ask. Because of my efforts, I live beyond the control of awareness itself, free from the inhumanity of my own consciousness. My key notions are, one might say, archetypically independent, primarily conjured from those warm agencies - love, surrender etc. - but also via motivations at once more base and conspicuous. In short, I have no agenda. I find no expression in those mythologies my friends seem to swear by. I have, instead, insisted upon differing conceptual terms, images and symbols, which, through their inherent, and intentional, ambiguities, and the secret processes they aspire to further conceal, reason alone has dominion over. I have turned to alchemy because of this, and I am here solely to institute shadows and to perform re-workings of past disorders.
I cannot otherwise be known, and you will only ever hate me.

In multi-numbered pans of vision
Images just beneath the surface
In a pool of flickering waters
Are like gilded pledges, melted in a seductive light,
And offered upward to the surface as a prescience
(And brilliant units of communal offering.)
We count each coin as a blind desire for blessings
That seek a new dimension of expression
Of this, a quite Remarkable Rendition of Chance -
Wishing wells in the name of Fate,
(Knowing these all but empty vessels do sail,)
Sail only between the more certain Citadels
Their ghostly cargoes bubbling in the banks
Of our exquisitely fashionable Imaginations -
And this magnificence somehow breaks into seconds
What took Time, (as Creator,) eons to recognize
Frame by frame, into the manifest.., by frame.
The Popeye Scat
par ship
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29 Ide Beserta 5 Tips Memilih Kebaya Modern Yang Akan Membuat Orang Lain Terkesima! - Model kebaya modern pun banyak menghiasi etalase toko baju tanah air. Kebaya menjadi salah satu model baju tradisional Indonesia yang kini memiliki banyak ...5 years ago
Balbúrdia Poética - *Balbúrdia Poética* Dia 11 de outubro - 19h La Taberna de Laura Rua Xavier da Silveira, 34 Copacabana - Rio de Janeiro-RJ a contribuição milionária de to...5 years ago
Sonakinatography - Time Structure Composition#III Sonakinatography I Sonakinatography es una pieza realizada por encargo del MUSAC con motivo de la exposición “El Factor Oc...5 years ago
[S27-171] Roy of the Ravers & Myoptik - Learn To Brew... - DIGITAL version comes with 5 bonus tracks. *[MP3 / FLAC / WAV]*Limited CD. Learn to Brew with Roy of the Ravers & Myoptik by Roy of the Ravers & Myopti...5 years ago
john crouse & jim leftwich -- acts 9100 - 9199 - ACT NINE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED transacted one of: "spin terse soup" the main divisions: "glove tern bone" of a play: "hair port core" or opera or: "dove ...5 years ago
[ ricerca ] - *[ ricerca ] * ** .en A place for experimental / extreme forms of art, seen on the net and anywhere. Reblogs ...5 years ago
when you are bored you are bored - you can either become widly successful or completely miserable i was told once. i took my hiatus but now im back.5 years ago
MUTANT SOUNDS VINYL AUCTIONS ON EBAY ARE LIVE NOW - Just a small update to let everyone know that some major vinyl rarities from the Mutant Sound archive are being auctioned currently and auctions will be co...5 years ago
[No] Plath - It is 1961 Life is all around/ digesting the debris from moon-belly, diagram of decorative spines seed-vessels, pinked In 1962 A similar specie...5 years ago
Tight - Tonight I cut an apron in half to make a belt but then he said about my waistline that two cords wouldn't make it to Dublin. And I couldn't argue with tha...5 years ago
ISOU ET LE THEATRE AU CENTRE POMPIDOU - CONFÉRENCE "ISIDORE ISOU ET LE SPECTACLE". 3 AVRIL 2019, 19H, CENTRE POMPIDOU, PARIS À l’occasion de l’exposition consacrée à Isidore Isou au Centre Pom...5 years ago
The Black Unicorn - On Mar. 30th, 2019, Sylwia Chrostowska, William A. Davison, Joёl Gayraud, Sherri Lyn Higgins, and Vittoria Lion, met again for discussion and collective wr...5 years ago
Atelier de scris și storytelling la Brașov - Atelierul de scris și storytelling BRAȘOV, 7-9 ianuarie 2019 PROGRAMĂ SCRIS: • Regulile de bază ale scrisului/povestitului • Cum ne găsim subiectele de...6 years ago
Prueba y olor - ¿En cinco años seguirá existiendo esta plataforma? Me hago esta pregunta basado en el tiempo de vida del blog pronto a vestir un traje de quinceañera he...6 years ago
Pour une refondation de l'école guidée par les enfants: Céline Alvarez a... - Début de réflexion très intéressante pour une refondation de l'école qui soit mieux adaptée à nos enfants... pour lutter contre l'échec scolaire provoqué ...6 years ago
Crouching and Screaming - Wonderful 1978 illustrations by Outi Markkanen (Finland, b.1951) on Kuriosas. Visit the link for many more illustrations from *Kurnau ja Kamaluu*.6 years ago
Student Travel Awards for 9th ISH Congress: call now open - * ISH and ISH Endowment * *Matsuyama Congress Student Travel Awards* *Purpose and value of the awards* The International Society of Hymenopterists (I...7 years ago
Душан Ђорђевић: НЕ БОЛИ САН - *НЕ БОЛИ САН* До јуче мишљасмо о вечном понављању сцена љубави као о обредима у храму. Видици су нам смањени тек за ону страну, за пресељење у мирну лук...7 years ago
118) Does paper have a future? - With all the digital involvement of artists, you might wonder if there is still a place for paper. I know that for Archiving, the art on paper has a better...7 years ago
Poetry Pentathlon:the main event - *it's time once again to present the Lesley Heath Morrow Prize for Poetic excellence. the esteemed award goes to the winner of the Poetry Pentathlon. The ...7 years ago
... mail art exhibition "Post für Otto" only opened till 10th of september 2017 ... - ... guided tours about the project Post für Otto ... .... guided tour: every sunday I will be in the Castle in Aschach at 3 pm ... ... Einführung: jeden...7 years ago
Lessons from a year playing Pokemon Go - Pokestops are, in general, "street furniture". While most of these were initially Ingress sites, and many others have been added (notably Starbucks and Sp...7 years ago
6. Long haul - I’ve just finished the 42,000+ lines of William Morris’s *The Earthly Paradise*, volumes 3 through 6 in the big collected works. There was no prize at the...7 years ago
MuhMur Radio SoundArt Radio Broadcast 08:06:2017. - And MuhMur Radio is back! After a month making way for the UK General Election and its' various propaganda broadcasts ... MuhMur Radio is back on Elect...7 years ago
Cribreath - Live Frying Demo - No info but you can bet we got John Olson on here making synth noise in two hard panned left and right channels again. This one's a little more sparse s...7 years ago
AFS v. 376 ~ Subbing the Suicide Watch - *Thanks to Ophelia Necro for asking me to sub her "Suicide Watch" program!* *On this edition of AFS…* ** Bleak and brash Bosnian punk* ** 3-hour tour of w...7 years ago
faUSt playing in Hungary - faUSt – jhp/Zappi - are playing in Budapest on Friday 27th January @ A38, an event ship on the blue Danube, in collaboration with Noise Flowers Link (Web...8 years ago
Sally Says - Gregory Vincent St. Thomasino - Gregory Vincent St. Thomasino is founding editor of the online poetry journal, Eratio. His most recent volume of poetry is *The Valise* (Dead Academi...8 years ago
Tangkap Accent's 20 favourite albums of 2016 - moving on.... *20. Teenage Fanclub - Here* The only one who is growing old better is Boy George. *19. Bin Idris - S/T* Bin Idris is Sigm...8 years ago
If others start playing the game - I Popular culture picks its topics not randomly but nevertheless rather unpredictably. We’ve read two books utilising the history of classic surrealism a...8 years ago
Recent Book Projects - 1. *Old Right and New Right on both sides of the Atlantic *(Routledge, forthcoming, 2018). An edited volume about the right studied from a comparative...8 years ago
Valerie - Not that one. Here's Thighpaulsandra, whose Golden Communion record is starting to worm its way into my life. This one, goes all over the place and through...8 years ago
A Warmer Welcome// a digital benefit for refugee welfare // 110 Tracks - **10 hours of exclusive out there tracks from*** Band Of Holy Joy, Rapoon, Ashtray Navigations, :zoviet*france: , Bass D...8 years ago
Open Sensors: An Introduction - I've come to believe that one of the key areas where open science can contribute to political issues is in the area of sensor technologies and open hardwar...8 years ago
Harley-Davidson FLHX Street Glide widescreen wallpaper (1280 x 1024 ) - [image: Harley-Davidson FLHX Street Glide widescreen wallpaper (1280 x 1024 )] Currently, we suggest Harley-Davidson FLHX Street Glide For your background...8 years ago
SITE MOVED - GO HERE FOR MODERN MYTHOLOGY We've successfully transferred our domain to the new ad free Modern Mythology. This was done for several reasons, the main on...8 years ago
Tentang Agen bola terpercaya Flazzbet - *Agen bola terpercaya Flazzbet* Merupakan Agen bola Terbaik Indonesia dan situs yang berpengalaman dalam menyediakan sarana taruhan judi bola...8 years ago
The Jacquestown Settlement vanishes - Leaving only the unexplained message 'Gone to Croatan'8 years ago
Looking For Letter Tracing Sheets ? - Are you looking for letter tracing sheets ? You can find it in this website ==> *Letter Tracing Sheets* from dearjoya. I hope this information will be usef...8 years ago
William Cook - Writer: RECOMMENDED TOP TEN MOTIVATIONAL BOOKS - WILLIAM C... - William Cook - Writer: RECOMMENDED TOP TEN MOTIVATIONAL BOOKS - WILLIAM C...: Over the course of my reading years, several non-fiction books have stood out...9 years ago
folllow me here? - Hey gang,I have been blogging on my website, unsure if there is a need to blog here as well unless UNLESS people get zero notifications there? I dunno how...9 years ago
Self/less (2015) - Release Self/less in Best Video FormatNow you can see Self/less in top quality with duration 116 Min and has been aired on 2015-07-10 and MPAA rating is 2...9 years ago
Seki Edge Callus Reducer - Read Seki Edge Callus Reducer Now you can Read Seki Edge Callus Reducer with detailed description: Product Description Callus Reducer with exclusive Honey...9 years ago
Astrology commentary sparkling evaluation of cancer and capricorn - The chance of a cure at this stage is decreased probably than the average man to create prostate cancer. The doctors utilizes a simple staging system later ...9 years ago
Strange Things Are Happening - Recorded live at the Adelphi Club on 15.07.93. We dressed in white rectangular sheets and lifted our arms up and down quite a bit as we were projecting...9 years ago
zubar u beogradu - Iskoristite Glavni meni pre , a deo meniji koja pojavljuju o primereno u cilju navigaciju sajt ! Manje od upravljanje od dr Rodni Fils- Aime , DMD , FAGD P...9 years ago
Lava Thief Presents - Deej Dhariwal, The Brackish, Vena Cava and Repo Man - 10th April - The Scary Canary Stourbridge I’ve really loved Deej’s solo appearances in the past and the devotional moaning of this new material (soon...9 years ago
Free Gps Software Windows Xp - Surge suppressors are installed in-line on the free gps software windows xp a few feet. The system rapidly fell into disrepair fallowing the free gps sof...9 years ago
SBDC at UNF Client Among Select Businesses Nationwide Recognized in Washington - *Jacksonville, FL:* On March 16, America's Small Business Development Center Network (America's SBDC), the national association of SBDCs, held a special 3...9 years ago
Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan) exhibit in USJ - These Japanese people are really all out to make us envious aren’t they?! In case you’re not aware, Universal Studios Japan is now having a new Shingeki no...10 years ago
HURRAH! WITHOUT AIRBRUSH KIM-JONG UN HUMAN AFTER ALL - Kim-Jong Un is a beautiful man but yes, there are moments when he does not look his best. He may be a diva, but he is human, too. Just like all of us. Ph...10 years ago
Mark Sampson - I participated in a literary reading series in 2010, and Mark read from his manuscript in progress, which later became *Sad Peninsula *(Dundurn, 2014). I...10 years ago
Arca %%%%%%%%%% - I guess you can't ignore Arca once you hear it our see some of his vids in collaboration with Jesse Kanda. The latter on the side helping FKA Twigs standin...10 years ago
Fudendo Bem Gostoso - Uma foda é deliciosa sempre, não importa a hora! Tá de pau duro vendo esses caras metendo com tudo? Pois eu também! Vem cá e divirta-se com essa galera que...10 years ago
New OFFICIAL Page! - Thank you for visiting! OUR NEW PAGE is HERE! ** *Thanks!* *suRRism-Phonoethics*10 years ago
Susan Paddon - Two Tragedies in 429 Breaths (an interview) - Susan Paddon was born and grew up in St. Thomas, Ontario, attended McGill and Concordia in Montreal, and lived overseas in Paris and London before sett...10 years ago
It's Halloween AGAIN! - One year later. Maybe I'll just post every October 31st. Happy Halloween everybody.10 years ago
66 Lines On Your Soul - Now you can start pre-ordering our new chap book of poems '66 Lines On Your Soul' jointly By Catfish McDaris, Kevin Ridgeway and Subhankar Das. Mail us ...10 years ago
- Agen Texas Poker dan Domino Online Indonesia Terpercaya - Masih tentang Poker, kali ini saya akan membahas pula tentang situs *JAGADPOKER Agen Texas Poker dan Domino Online Indonesia Terpercaya* merupakan salah s...10 years ago
PROYECCIONES (serie1) - PROYECCIONES- serie 1- Fotoperformance 2014 Bosques de Tlalpan- México DF. Fotografía: Eric Morales "ODISEO" -->10 years ago
rage d / differx. 2014 - dedication illegally band here's bevy drinking should warburg direct ed by the map turns london that of frank musician he books novella sense jan mo b...10 years ago
In un unica direzione - Questo post è in Italiano, tanto gli stranieri non capirebbero mai quanto sono grandi i Diaframma e che straordinario autore è Federico Fiumani... E noi? ...10 years ago
Blinking Welter - let's blink . - nothing to do so i decided to make retarded gifs for other idle people . """ !! Let's blink, it is Mein Welt after all!!"". 14 images years ago
164 - JH: When writing a poem, I can only think of that particular poem; thoughts of its publication or its inclusion in an ideal collection follow. Can I say ...10 years ago
- ----> FM SHADES HAS MOVED TO TUMBLR!!!! - * *----> FM SHADES HAS MOVED TO TUMBLR!!!!10 years ago
New Website, New Blog - I have a totally redone website where I will be posting all new blog entries. You can follow my future adventures there. www.tombanwell.com10 years ago
The Snake Handlers of Harlan, KY - In light of the recent death of a religious snake handler here in the United States, I share with you an International News Photo from October 23, 1947 of ...11 years ago
Fermented Hair - A woman surnamed Zhang from Jinhua in east China's Zhejiang province told the paper [The People's Daily] that she was stunned when her hairdresser said tha...11 years ago
Killer PUA - *Or just hire a professional* *The PUA Identity, The killer instinct, Self esteem* reposted from The PUA Identity – How It Develops...11 years ago
XENOS 1973-2013=40 years being a stranger - Video XENOS by Litsa Spathi (Breda, Netherlands). 40 years being a stranger. "It took me 40 years and I still can not build funiture"11 years ago
In Memoriam Bernard Parmegiani - J'ai composé cet hommage au compositeur disparu le 21 novembre 2013 dans la semaine suivant la l'annonce de son décès. Rite funéraire autant que célébr...11 years ago
"Building Bridges - Laos" - Please check out the latest documentory video of volunteer work I've been in volved with. years ago
Expedite - A new *EXPEDITE* artistamp has been issued by Cascadia Artpost. The original design is a pen-and-ink drawing in a 6 3/16-inch (15.7 mm) square format r...11 years ago
Pen pals anyone? - John Adams is a good friend of mine who is doing time in Texas. Those of you who know my zines and/or have been following this blog know that he has cont...11 years ago
Late Night Walk - During a late night walk through long alleys in northeast Portland, I came across some large colorful tags, several wonderful murals, and a painted garage....11 years ago
July 2013 and Goodbye - As of this month REVERSE METAL, the five year old diary blog that ran in support of discharge, will conclude. During its time it has been 'edited' by Coc...11 years ago
For Mike - [image: Untitled by *Jon Vaughn] Untitled, a photo by *Jon Vaughn on Flickr.11 years ago
Our new home - Hello friends of Classwar Karaoke ... We now have a fully-fledged site - our new home. There you will find everything you need to know about the label - al...11 years ago
CODEX Fine Press Fair in Richmond, California - Very successful Fine Press Fair held every 2 years normally in Berkeley was located this time on the waterfront of Richmond overlooking the San Franci...11 years ago
Atlantis Audio Archive Liquidation - I am in the process of consolidating my music collection. I have been listing lots of vinyl, CDs, cassettes and videos on my Discogs page as well as peri...11 years ago
- - simply apply for online payday loans legitimate day loan quickly and simply. Loans with varied parties World Health Organizati...12 years ago
walking around last week - - winter sun - Greene Street inadvertent still-life Madison, red12 years ago
Hey! Update your links!! - Lemon Hound has a whole new life...see Volume 2 and keep checking back: more content added weekly. VOLUME 2* SAY DEMOCRATIC POETRY FOR ME POETRY Jonathan ...12 years ago
Everybody Will Depart To Search For Golden Fleece On Their Own! - Time gets trapped in infinite shatters, in sunsets of eternity. Clocks get quiet, spirit becomes cold, autumnless, silent. If love; has turned into numb ha...12 years ago
sean derrick cooper marquardt & balkar wachholz - sean derrick cooper marquardt & balkar wachholz multilayerladen berlin 29.10.201212 years ago
LOAD Discography - The internet is a buzz with the sad news of Bob Johnston's death. Sucks it would take this horrible occasion to light a fire under my ass to get you the ...12 years ago
No. 480 Self-Portrait with Paints - Christine Tarantino,* Self-Portrait with Paints*, Polaroid instant ACE HOTEL film, 2012.12 years ago
One Dead Rat - the rat laid in the middle of the sidewalk arms straight out paws wide open reaching for the sun eyes staring blindly out at a world that had no feeling ...12 years ago
It Makes No Difference Who You Are - It makes no difference who you are. It makes no difference who you are. When you wish upon a star, it makes no difference. If fate brings sweet fulfill...12 years ago
item #7441 - important and fundament brained female. soul helps. i have soul. or dysmorphia. i have been told i have sweet green eyes with love. t12 years ago
come on over - ________________________________________________________ Thanks for stopping by. New work can now be found on my tumblr site. And my portfolio and re...12 years ago
Jennie Garth Breaks Down over Divorce - Jennie Garth doesn't hold back in a new clip from her CMT reality show, Jennie Garth: A Little Bit Country. Sitting in a circle with two women and her ther...12 years ago
S a/o B Rides Again - S a/o B continues at its new address, hosted here at *The New Inquiry*.12 years ago
Red domains - I DO NOT remember the dream itself, I only remember the INSIGHT with which I awoke from it: that there is an important analogy between the planet Mars an...12 years ago
That´s All Folks - Three years ago i started this blog as a hobby to share many of my favourite bands and music able to make me feel and inspire different things. After me...12 years ago
Patient Zero - The Demagogues explore the podcast medium. First in a monthly series. *Tracklist* The Budos Band-Mark of the Unnamed Men’s Recovery Project-!!! Men’s Rec...12 years ago
4 poems by John Donovan - *Kenefic* The rolled up hills of middle Oklahoma - satellite dishes burned at the stake - Christina threw our blankets into Coal Creek while I folded flo...12 years ago
Trick Bag! - The History Of Northwest Rock Volume 4 (2006)"This CD is nothing short of a magnificent sweep through Jerry Dennon's archives. We've tried to provide a rep...12 years ago
postcard for "Dreams and Politics" on Save the USPS blog - The postcard for the opening of my one-man show "Dreams and Politics" at Washington Gallery in Duluth, Minnesota can be seen on the Save the USPS blog.12 years ago
Profitable Forex Day Trading Strategy - If your a day trader there is a few key components to have if you want a profitable strategy. The first and most important thing is support and resistance ...13 years ago
New Weed Temple - 2012 marks some changes, including probably the biggest change in Weed Temple since its inception in 2008, that is moving the blog to a new platform. From...13 years ago
AN OPEN LETTER TO ALL BABIES BORN YESTERDAY - *Dear Shithawks,Congratulations! Not only have you arrived pissing and screaming on Planet Earth, wriggling around like peeled slugs in a bag ...13 years ago
I am Poem by Bruce Eisner - I am poem scattering symbols across white page An autumn wind strewing leaves on a meadow I am a song in the wind Sweet melody that plays quiet in mind's ...13 years ago
Introducing the HAO's analyzer, feedback, and API - Today we're taking the wraps off of two simple, but handy tools that we have developed to encourage wider adoption of the HAO. The first, our " analyzer" is...13 years ago
BRANDON READING POETRY FROM "IT AIN"T TRUTH IF IT DOESNT HURT" - Listen to internet radio with Bathabile on Blog Talk Radio13 years ago
The Oceanview Resort - This is another photograph I took at the resort where I stayed for the week, a peek at one of the many capes and inlets found in the Grand Barachois regio...13 years ago
Visit me here - If you're looking for my blog, please click here to visit my website and new blog-home. Thanks.13 years ago
Farewell Sweet Siren - It is time to let things go. To REALLY let them go. To wipe the slate clean and start anew. The last two years have been a journey into the darkest, deepes...13 years ago
23. 100 Names for a New Art Movement, Attitude or Experience - 1. Postflux 2. Neo-Fluxus 3. Proximitism 4. Stubborn Bunnies 5. Post-Neo-Fluxus 6. Neon Fluxus 7. Buxus Fluxus 8. South Park Fluxus 9. Friends of Fluxus 10....13 years ago
dneehttheend - The end has come for this blog. This is the 375th post, and it will be the last. As of June 6th, 2011, I'll be leaving for Europe, and my preparation has o...13 years ago
Fluxus Limbus - Fluxus Laboratories may have identified a new threat to Fluxus practitioners. We call it Fluxus Limbus. Fluxus Limbus is a mental state in which the Fluxus...13 years ago
SUERCLUB! - Superclub are now carrying copies of turbochainsaw SUPERCLUB is an artist-run collective based in Edinburgh, Scotland SUPERCLUB 11a Gayfield Square Edinbu...13 years ago
THE END OF WORLDWEIRD CINEMA?!? And the latest from Mondo Macabro!! - So I'm sure most of you have noticed that there hasn't been much going on here of late. In fact, it's been more than four months since my last post. My tha...14 years ago
Middle Ditch 53 - Listen here: Lady Annabel Nearly Loses Control Sir John's memory begins to return and Svetlana makes a discovery in the attic. This episode features in ...14 years ago
Benn Jordan - Louisiana Morning (2009) - Over the past few years I've discovered a number of new artists and albums thanks to the nature of music blogs today. Benn Jordan has consistently impresse...14 years ago
Sonne Hagal - Läuthner 2a [2010] - Country: Germany Style: Neo Folk Year: 2010 Label: Luftschutz Entertainment Catalog: VNYSLS12 Format: Vinyl 7" Quality: MP3, VBR Total Size: 14 MB Trackli...14 years ago
Poem by Linda Leedy Schneider - My Hands Speak After 25 Years Paris was served on a fresh platewith honey on the side,and I took its hand.My left hand says this is true.I call my right, t...14 years ago
His name is "Stay!" - I'm lucky enough to get a call every so often from the Endress+Hauser Corporation to make something out of their spare parts. They give me full creative...14 years ago
Exciting plans - I probably shouldn't be writing this because any plans I usually outline on this blog end up changing beyond all recognition or simply never materialise at...14 years ago
KLEBNIKOV CARNAVAL 2010 - *F R E E A D M I T A N C E *! "PROGRAMMA KC 2010 *WHEN :* September 3 to 5 2010 >>>>> view *time schedule* *WHERE: *Smidsehof, Smidsestraat 31, Kessel...14 years ago
pdqb # 147: Geof Huth, "4 Poems for 8 Minutes" - *Author:* Geof Huth *Title:* 4 Poems for 8 Minutes *Date of Publication:* 31 July 2010 *Type of Publication:* Reading handout *Type of Work:* Poetry ...14 years ago
Made Up Dream Novel - [image: mudnov0] Made Up Dream Novel #0 on Made Up Dreamer blog. I don't want to write anything by way of explanations etc on Made Up Dreamer, except in ...14 years ago
SONIC YOUTH - Rialto Tucson 1.04.2010 - This show from January was Sonic Youth's first Tucson show since 1986. In '86 the band played some mob joint and when they went to get paid, the goon opene...14 years ago
LONDON IMPROVISERS ORCHESTRA - improvisations for george riste - {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{14 years ago
The Fluxus Blog has a new home - The Fluxus Blog, formerly located at has moved to its own server. The new address for The Fluxus Blog is http://www.digita...14 years ago
Fire Burn Me Clean - Thought forms improv free to download you filthy animals! Live recording of an improvised set at The Croft in Bristol on 20th April 2010, supporting Maste...14 years ago
Economic history in 10 minutes, by Richard Heinberg - "...Today we still enjoy vestiges of the gift economy, notably in the family. We don’t keep close tabs on how much we are spending on our three-year-old ch...14 years ago
how odd - so i know this blog is more or less dead, but i've been going back and downloading some of my own stuff because i lost some of the files. has anyone notice...14 years ago
Inauguración en la ciudad de Rocha - Entrega de postales de autor de Natalia Ludmila y Antonio Moreno Garrido a cargo de la encargada de sala Teresa Silvera14 years ago
The Further Adventures of Natalie Zed - Just setting up my new home: I write concert and CD reviews for Hellbound: I blog and review for Me...14 years ago
[xs-72] Agnes Heginger and Karlheinz Essl - Out of the Blue - THIS IS OFFICIALLY THE LAST XS RECORDS release artist: agnes heginger and karlheinz essl album: out of the blue download release date: 31/03/2010 more det...14 years ago
Fragments - fragment by Zete I need you Like a fevered air Not because you are a leaf Or an elephant Or even a mirror But because you are a schizm An air between two ...14 years ago
Cagey House :: b for breakfast - la légèreté d'être, d'entendre et probablement de voir aussi, à chaque nouvelle réalisation de Cagey House, Dave Keifer nous enchante, nous ravit et nous p...14 years ago
I Had To Say This Once, I'm Pissed I Have To Say This Again - Dear People Leaving Comments On My Blogs, (Specifically, you whose names are a string of characters that won't read on my computer, leaving cute little blo...14 years ago
OUT SOON! - rh037 I/C/O/C - Broken Metacarpus Like Stigmata cdr, 40 copies rh041 Content Nullity Ruido Horrible is proud to present the self-titled debut album ...15 years ago
Dark Summers at Naciemento - How he hate you why and let him tell you wonder: for every staring stupid picture now and then he thinks your scene is warbly and a very detailed obsessive o...15 years ago
An Opinion - *for Jess* I am perfect in the presence of your throne: Your neck set to let the twist of my own encircle it, your kisses as my own, soft and stallion an...15 years ago
This is my last blog post - at this address. My first post just went live at my new blog home For those of you willing to update your links and Google Reader, thank yo...15 years ago
Noun that I've been watching (100) - body. forward, back and forth. allows a visceral hurt point to benefact itself apart from largo factions. when I dramatize past tense, it is for lack of...15 years ago
A BOOK ABOUT DEATH : THE MOVIE - Angela Ferrara, an artist based in São Paulo, Brazil, created this film for the exhibition A Book About Death. Angela, contributor to A Book About Death ...15 years ago
Release Party #1 - April Michelle Bratten reads "History" Slorp Gene Lethargone reads "Raking the Moon" Jaq Goodyear reads "Her Waiter" Walt Burns reads "Cuckold Cocks of Cu...15 years ago
Dictaphonia #5 lineup so far... - Here listed below is what I have received for Dictaphonia #5 so far. If you have not yet contributed to Dictaphonia, or even if you have previously contri...15 years ago
Third Anniversary - August 14th 2006: "This blog has been inspired by my visit to the exhibition "Undercover Surrealism" at the Hayward Gallery in London. The blog is intended...15 years ago
a blue ribbon for hermes: i am always here again - a blue ribbon for hermes: i am always here again Originally uploaded by mindbum from son of a brute salon 07/24/ADa 93 @ the Oromancer15 years ago
holy shit, i'm alive? - hi all. yep, it's true. i'm still here. been a while, no? anyhoo, i think i'll give you something nice now since you've all been sooooooooooooo patient (i...15 years ago
DIKTSAMLING ATT BESTÄLLA - Boken "Spindelkransen växer" finns att beställa från Pris 120 kr (Den riktiga färgen på boken är orange, inte blå) BOKEN FINNS...15 years ago
The Joys and Pains of Organizing a Mail Art Project - When trying to explain what this strange beast called mail art is, I usually point out that mail artists (like zine makers)strive to build a network of con...15 years ago
List of HNW artists - Last updated: June 4rd/2011 ASIA: *Japan:* Slaughterhouse Fetish Female Harakiri EUROPE: Belgium: Goghal *Bosnia:* Smrznik *Croatia:* Placenta Lypos...15 years ago
EIGHT RANDOM TWEETS by AARON HELD - *Eight Random Tweets * *by Aaron Held* Crime sand man walks in to a pole, “Ouch, lath token of dome, semen soft touch boon doggers.” I wish it was just...15 years ago
Filling Station is new again! - Hi, it's been ages. What's been going on? Well, I'm now Managing Editor of Filling Station. This is going to be a huge job because I keep finding extra wor...15 years ago
Atrax Morgue - It feels familiar to listen to italian Marco Corbelli, also known as Atrax Morgue. One can possibly rebuild its influences from 79 to 90: the most hauntin...15 years ago
February 21st... live at The Tank - Live 7-11 at The Tank in Hell's Kitchen! 5 dollars...16 years ago
Some wit - David and I made this for Rememberance day.. but then I didn't get round to posting it and it's rather redundant now. Whoops.16 years ago
List of Works (Updated Nov. 2021) - *DEFORMA* Bandcamp *Compendio del aislamiento* CDr/DVDr-A (Upcoming) Oxidation *Basura Digital* Digital Album (2021) *Malagueña *Track on VV.AA. "El Lareñ...16 years ago
Portland Surrealist Group Dissolves - The Portland Surrealist Group, founded in August 2001, dissolved on January 14th, 2008. Due to various internal situations we were unable to maintain a lev...17 years ago
Thomas Lowe Taylor -- NOTES FROM NOWHERE - NOTES FROM NOWHERE THOMAS LOWE TAYLOR AKA ANABASIS IRRESOLUTE DISTANCES Fundamental muslins Flaming literals Poached refusals Litany spores Touché whore T...17 years ago
Anime in Tokyo - [versione italiana - the English version will be added soon!] Mi ricordo la volta in cui *Akira* approdo' in un cinema di un piccolo paese vicino a casa mia...18 years ago
[ sherpas, B-sides, steppes ] - Spring has sprung, hormones fluttering the air. In a particularly realistic dream, Martin/Implode and I run off together to Sandefjord to squat an abandone...19 years ago